C’s still unsure about this whole “born” thing
2003 May 29, Thursday
Tina Jun gave us this cuddly blanket. Thanks Tina! C looks sceptical about his new world.
C Max: birth was rough, ok?
2003 May 29, Thursday
I guess even 1-day-old babies can be unphotogenic.
mama and C
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
C definitely was a strange color, but I don’t remember him being exactly this red!
baby C
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old, and already he has learned how to look very sad!
little red man, C
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old; you can see his hairy shoulders and the funny pattern of hair around his face.
A friend of mine was saying recently how you can’t really tell what a baby will look like but when you see baby pictures, you can tell it’s that particular child. I can really see C’s round little nose here.
mama and baby C
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old in this picture.
mama and C
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
We are in an unusual state of dressed-ness. It was a very hot day!
baby C and his mama
2003 May 29 · 6:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old in this picture.
papa and C
2003 May 29 · 7:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old in this picture (that’s some hair on that papa!).
papa and baby C
2003 May 29 · 7:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old in this picture.
mama and Baby C
2003 May 29 · 7:00AM · Thursday
C is about 24 hours old in this picture; he was such a red little bean!
skinny baby C and mama
2003 May 29 · 7:00AM · Thursday
It is hard to believe how tiny and skinny he was.
First Sunday Picture with Baby C
2003 May 29 · 8AM · Thursday
Our first Sunday Picture with our new little treasure.
Papa and C in a man to man talk
2003 May 29 · 9:00AM · Thursday
It is too bad that newborns often look like grumpy old men.
C and papa
2003 May 29 · 9:00AM · Thursday
Chris is getting to know his new baby.
papa and C
2003 May 29 · 9:00AM · Thursday
This picture shows off C’s red hair quite nicely (and papa’s fro, too!).
C’s first day was hot. The little guy was skinny and red and didn’t cry all that much. We faced a diaper adventure since we forgot to sign up for the diaper service and didn’t have disposables. We had some that my mom had given us, but we were inexperienced with diaper-fastening techniques and had quite a hard time with our mega-poop-peeing-every-20-minutes baby. We finished our roll of film this day, and then didn’t take pictures for a few days.