The New Valencia Zoo

2008 May 4, Sunday · Valencia, Spain


The zoo is very newly opened — just a month before this I think. It still had the feel of a very new place: trees not grown to fit the space, insufficient signage and direction, lots of employees standing around seeming to be unsure of what they should actually be doing. But I thought it was a very enjoyable zoo, which some nice get-close features, and I think once they get into the swing of it (and the trees grow a bit to provide more shade!), it will be a good zoo. On the plus side: it’s smallish, definitely walkable with a 3 year old.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:22AM
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Ruby in her top

2008 May 4 · 11:14AM · Sunday

And in the end, this was the only picture Chris took of Ruby’s new top that turned out at all. It’s hard to tell, but there’s a cute little ruffle in the front.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:26AM

Bright sun, pale skin… bad pictures on my part. Even this one didn’t really work out: it was supposed to juxtapose the girl (er, I mean, knitted item) with the flamingos in the background. As it is, all you can see is blobage.

⁓ Chris · 2008 Jun 2 · 4:58PM
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visiting the lemurs

2008 May 4 · 11:27AM · Sunday

So the lemur area is completely open, and you just walk through, right past lemurs sleeping in bushes and trees. I could have pulled this lemur’s tail if I wanted!

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:31AM

Yup, not a 500mm lens here… this was a 50mm lens! I was right next to this thing!

⁓ Chris · 2008 Jun 2 · 4:59PM
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pile o’ lemur

2008 May 4 · 11:28AM · Sunday

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ring tail lemurs

2008 May 4 · 11:30AM · Sunday

These were the cutest, all cuddled up together.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:33AM
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the only active lemur

2008 May 4 · 11:31AM · Sunday

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ring tails again

2008 May 4 · 11:31AM · Sunday

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hey, that’s not a lemur!

2008 May 4 · 11:33AM · Sunday

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C right next to the sleeping leopard

2008 May 4 · 11:56AM · Sunday

This was a very crowded nook here, with everyone trying to look at the leopard, so it was hard to take any picture let alone make sure that C was being photogenic.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 5 · 10:30AM
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it’s just a big spotty kitty

2008 May 4 · 11:56AM · Sunday

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C watching the sleeping leopard

2008 May 4 · 11:57AM · Sunday

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elephant shower!

2008 May 4 · 12:08PM · Sunday

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Ruby watching the elephants bathe

2008 May 4 · 12:09PM · Sunday

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lion and lioness sunning

2008 May 4 · 12:33PM · Sunday

The restaurant had a deck that looked out onto this open grassy area with animals roaming around. Chris said the lady lion was being cute, rolling around in the grass and such.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:36AM
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and zebra butts

2008 May 4 · 12:35PM · Sunday

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young giraffe

2008 May 4 · 1:12PM · Sunday

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Chris, Ruby, and C at lunch

2008 May 4 · 1:13PM · Sunday

They are over there under the canopy. It was really quite close to that giraffe. Pretty neat idea for the cafeteria to be so much a part of the zoo action.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 5 · 10:33AM
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Ruby communing with little giraffe

2008 May 4 · 1:14PM · Sunday

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Ruby watching the giraffe

2008 May 4 · 1:14PM · Sunday

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C, Ruby, and the giraffe

2008 May 4 · 1:16PM · Sunday

I don’t really know why C and that other boy are holding out their hands. I think C was doing it just because the other boy was.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 5 · 10:35AM
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Ruby on her way

2008 May 4 · 1:42PM · Sunday

So, there it is. The difficult to photograph top. I think the straps had stretched out a bit by this time. I should have blocked it first!

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 5 · 10:36AM
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2008 May 4 · 1:52PM · Sunday

After lunch we continued on the circuit, seeing some smaller african animals like this turtle.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:38AM
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meerkats — cute!

2008 May 4 · 1:54PM · Sunday

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giraffe and tongue

2008 May 4 · 1:58PM · Sunday

We were on a path at the backside of the giraffe area. The path ran along a hill at the back of the enclosure, so you were pretty much at eye level (or a little higher) with the giraffes. It was awesome!

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:41AM
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giraffe chewing grass

2008 May 4 · 2:00PM · Sunday

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funny giraffe

2008 May 4 · 2:00PM · Sunday

That’s just not an angle of a giraffe that you see very often!

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:43AM
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teeny antelope thing

2008 May 4 · 2:09PM · Sunday

It was so little and delicate! Look at those poky little antlers!

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:43AM

And he always walked around on his tippy-toenails! Must be a mountian-climber-type.

⁓ Chris · 2008 Jun 2 · 5:02PM
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a menagerie

2008 May 4 · 2:09PM · Sunday

I always think it’s neat to see a few different animals together (of course when there’s no danger of “when cute little antelopes attack”.)

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:44AM
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look at that little nose!

2008 May 4 · 2:10PM · Sunday

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Ruby watching a little mammal

2008 May 4 · 2:18PM · Sunday

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2008 May 4 · 2:21PM · Sunday

There was a bridge to cross over the rhino area, so you could really see them pretty close without danger of being gored/trampled.

⁓ Katy · 2008 Jun 1 · 6:46AM

If you look at the full-size image, you can see how the horn really is made up of matted hair. If I ever decide to go for dreads, I’m going for the rhino-dread.

⁓ Chris · 2008 Jun 2 · 5:04PM
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