a little ball
2009 December 25 · 5:16AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

Imagine my surprise that the thing fit in the palm of my hand after washing! All that work for something so tiny!
a long swath
2009 December 25 · 5:47AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

Anne Hanson over at Knitspot had just released Fernfrost back in August when I was first hatching this idea. I love the motion in the pattern, the way it draws the eyes along the lines. And while this is really a pretty pattern, I wish I’d picked one of her other patterns that is just as pretty but with a little less fiddliness. Really, pattern on every row and twisted purls? It took me about two hours per repeat, depending on my level of attention.
not so straight lines
2009 December 25 · 5:49AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

I made 14 repeats (2 hours per repeat, you do the math!), and the scarf is 55” long and 8” wide. And, for the record, I wish I had blocking wires.
Wow! It’s gorgeous!
Thanks. :) Sorry I didn’t knit you/Sally anything for your wedding, but knitting wasn’t really my thing then. Sally (Deck) Hess also got left out of my own personal little knitting-wedding tradition. But I hope you know I love you guys anyway!
That’s ok. Lace doesn’t really suit me anyway. ;+P
We know you still love us. I just wish that we could live closer. Sigh. With my new job, travel becomes much more possible, but I think we’re scheduled for Australia every other year starting this fall. That means that maybe next year we could see you! We’ll see how it goes…
up close and personal
2009 December 25 · 5:49AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

See? Preeeety!
fringe elements
2009 December 25 · 6:42AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

I added a fringe of twisted yarn, knotted together artfully, about 10”. The twisting and fringing was fun, and a new experience for me. I found it hard to believe it would work at first, but it really does. Just double up the yarn, twisty twisty, and carefully allow it to double back on itself again, then knot the ends. Et voila, fringe.
finished fringe
2009 December 25 · 8:16AM · Friday · Hallings gate, Oslo, Norway

Sorry about the horrible artificial light pictures. In these wintry northern climes we don’t get so much of the natural light. And you read those time stamps correctly… I did this between 5 and 8 am. My mom used to joke about her “free time between 2 and 4 am” but really, it’s the saddest joke ever because it’s true.
2009 December 27 · 4:28PM · Sunday

After I took up the challenge of my first lace shawl for Missy’s wedding, I felt like lace for weddings was a nice tradition. So when (some time later) Aly is getting married, I decided to continue the tradition. I even used the exact same yarn!