2009 August 5 · 12:20PM · Wednesday

Here I am admiring my handiwork while I wait for everyone to get out of the way of the good views. I thought this would be a good cruise for a photo shoot (it’s Lysefjorden outside Stavanger) but the boat was almost mobbed, and the other people on the upper deck were surprisingly greedy with their spots at the railing.
2009 August 5 · 12:22PM · Wednesday

The first four sections I knit just plain, and then after the 5th and 6th increase rows I put in very simple zig-zags. After the last increase row, I added a more complex pattern taken from A Gathering of Lace.
2009 August 5 · 12:25PM · Wednesday

2009 August 5 · 12:26PM · Wednesday

You can see that pattern a little better here, kind of knot-like, but it also reminded me of some designs in traditional Norwegian wood carving decoration
2009 August 5 · 12:26PM · Wednesday

2009 August 5 · 12:27PM · Wednesday

Oops, that’s a dropped stitch there! I picked it up right away back in the cabin and luckily haven’t had any problems with it so far.
2009 August 5 · 12:27PM · Wednesday

I don’t think that is a dropped stitch there, I just poked my finger through it as it was flipping around in the wind. It’s so light and yet sticks to itself, and it’s kind of hard to control. I’ve been wearing it folded in half and either draped around my shoulders or rolled around my neck like an especially fluffy scarf.
2009 August 5 · 12:27PM · Wednesday

The yarn is cashmere and silk that I got from Colourmart a couple years back. It’s a monster cone (150 gr) and I don’t know how I’m ever going to use all of it — this shawl didn’t even make a visible dent. And even though I’ve washed it with a lovely lavender-scented soap, it still smells kind of funny. What’s up with that?
The August project was especially smaller.
One month to knit a large shawl? Elizabeth Zimmerman has faith in you! The increase rows are spaced at ever-increasing intervals with long swaths of plain knitting in between. Fast knitting indeed, though lots of it.